Despite a stellar race in Mandalika, Pedro Acosta is under investigation by the stewards, and the 2004-born rider isn’t pleased with the decision.
Non sembra essere andata giù l’investigazione (e la possibile penalità) a Pedro Acosta. Il pilota spagnolo, 2º dopo una straordinaria gara corsa da campione nonostante i soli 20 anni, è stato investigato per una possibile pressione irregolare delle gomme con il rischio di vedersi inflitti 16 secondi di penalità.

While happy with his performance, Acosta stayed motionless during the champagne celebrations on the podium, using the moment to silently protest a rule that has sparked debate among fans.
Acosta Under Investigation, no Penalty for him
At 11:09, Sandro Donato Grosso delivered an unofficial update: Pedro Acosta will likely avoid any penalties, barring any last-minute surprises. The official statement is still pending, but checks on bike #31 reportedly found no issues or rule violations.